Preparing for a Berner Puppy

I probably sent 20 emails to the breeder before actually bringing Waylon home. Arranging the first meeting, asking questions and yearning for photos. When the photos came I looked at them over and over. I would fawn over them and insist every person within my reach had a look. How freakin’ cute are berner puppies, though, amiright?

The breeder sent a really helpful document, linked here called Caring For Your Puppy. It includes really helpful information like the car ride home, being with people on the first day, getting a health check, crate training, chewing, collar/leash, food, vitamins, spay/neuter, microchipping, puppy coat, growing spurts, immunizations, worming, joint development, puppy kindergarten, pet insurance, and diarrhea. Phew! That’s a lot of information. The care sheet is geared towards Bernese Mountain Dog puppies but would be a helpful read for any new puppy owner. In addition to carefully looking this document over I read Before You Get Your Puppy and After You Get Your Puppy by Ian Dunbar. I took notes and discussed the finer points of obedience with my husband. The books helped us understand the importance of socialization, house training and bite inhibition with our new puppy. Super important! I ordered a crate, fleece bed, and a few exercise playpens (one for home, one for work) and counted down the days till my new pup would be home. And yes, Waylon is a lucky boy who gets to come to work with me and be a shop dog. More about that in another post!


This is the first photo taken of Waylon that we have. Here he is just five weeks old when we didn’t know he was going to be ours yet. We met all the puppies that day and were still debating between a boy or a girl. Will talk puppy gender in my next post. Stay tuned!